ISO 50001, a framework to manage energy costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions

Energy has become a key metric for companies. Saving energy means saving operational costs.Energy consumption also implies reducing greenhouse gas emissions and demonstrating greater care for natural resources.   

ISO 50001 is an internationally recognized energy management system (EnMS) standard published by ISO (International Organization of Standardization). Energy Management Systems offer a structured and comprehensive approach for improving energy efficiency. EnMS Audits will enable your organization to improve energy management, detect potential savings and will serve as a management milestone

Benefits of implementing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System

With the implementation of ISO 50001energymanagement system, companies gain a solid competitive advantage and achieve significant savings.  

Energy intense industries and other sectors can also see significant improvements in their energy use by optimizing their consumption and using more renewable energy:

   Objective and exhaustive vision on energy uses and consumption

   Projection of future consumption and list of saving opportunities

   Hierarchy of energy uses to focus efforts

   Establish a baseline and monitoring of operations

   Motivational lever for staff

   Reporting tool for stakeholders

   Proof of commitment to sustainability

ISO 50001 can be easily integrated into existing Quality, Safety, and/or Environment Management Systems, for all types of organizations looking to monitor and improve their energy efficiency.  

Why choose QUACERT Certification?
  • International recognition – QUACERT certification is internationally recognised through the accreditation by JAS-ANZ, a founder member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF). 
  • High skills and experiences auditors – QUACERT is the certification body whose a top number of auditors with high skills, experiences and knowledges and professional manner. 
  • Leading in the market – QUACERT is the leading certification body in Vietnam. 
  • A worlwide recognition symbol – QUACERT Certification Mark is recognized as a valued symbol of reliability, sustainability and trust.