IAF - International Accreditation Forum is the group of leading accreditation organizations in the world to assure that:
- Membership accreditation organizations recognize bodies/organizations with enough ability, and independent and objective activity only.
- Establish the Mutual Recognisation Agreement (MRA) between membership accreditation orgnisations so that the certificate will be accepted all over the world.
Motto of IAF is that “1 audit -1 certificate – accepted everywhere”
JAS-ANZ is one of the most prestigious international accreditation organizations founded in 1991 in accordance with official agreement between Australia and New Zealand.
JAS-ANZ, along with other accreditation organizations such as UKAS (UK), RvA (Holland), JAB (Japan), ANAB (USA),etc. – is a founder member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF). JAS-ANZ is also a founder member of Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and International Auditor and Training Certification Association (IATCA)
One of basic goals of JAS-ANZ is to set up international link so that certificate with stamp of JAS-ANZ will be accepted in other markets through recognisation agreement, especially in Asian, European, and North American markets.